
Tehnilised tooted

Geel poleerimisvahendid



When in doubt, wear red!

There is a shade of red for every woman. These red gel polishes are our absolute favorites for winter. Red is the color of strength and the color of passion. Make a statement, wear red!


ISO 22.716

As Dutch market leader Magnetic Nail Design produces a wide range of professional nail products and by offering more than 3500 products a true One Stop Shop.

Not only are our products produced, registered and notified as required under the European Cosmetic Directive we also produce under the strict conditions of the ISO 22.716: Good Manufacturing Practises for Cosmetic Industry. This independent ISO certification was first granted to Magnetic Nail Design in 2012 and as such we were the first manufacturer of nail styling products to be accredited for working according this strict ISO protocol. A protocol demanded by the European Cosmetic Regulation.

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